
Each year the Los Angeles County Democratic Party honors a man and woman from each Assembly District for their grassroots activism.  We are proud to share with you that our very own William “Bill” Roberts was elected by the 62nd Assembly Delegation to receive the prestigious award of male Democrat of the Year.

Serving his third term as V.P. of Political Affairs for the Club and a Democratic State Central Committee delegate, Bill has worked tirelessly promoting our Democratic values and advancing Democratic causes.  He has testified at numerous community meetings supporting LAX modernization; City of L.A.  hearings involving redistricting;  the Los Angeles City fracking moratorium, and raising the minimum wage.    

Bill has devoted countless hours helping to elect Democratic candidates; hosting fundraisers and candidate meet and greet events at his home.  Lest we forget to mention all the amazing hours over the years he has dedicated to making our democracy work by registering voters. 

Bill’s contributions to building our club, keeping us informed about important political issues, policy and news, organizing and helping to plan informative and enriching political events and meetings for members in addition to the valued and highly respected relationships he has developed with our political representatives has contributed to making the Westchester-Playa Democratic Club the political force it is today.  

Along with other Assembly District male and female Democrats of the Year honorees, we’ll celebrate Bill at the Los Angeles County Democratic Party’s Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner.  The date is October 19, 2014 and will be held at the Sheraton Gateway-LAX.    

In the weeks ahead, we’ll provide you with information about purchasing tickets and joining us at the dinner.  We’re going to have a great time showing our appreciation for Bill, other honorees and the Los Angeles County Democratic Party.  Be sure to save the date  – October 20th!

With Special Regards,
The Westchester-Playa Democratic Club Executive Board